We empower the unsaved and equip the saved with the inspired teachings of God.
Welcome to The Gate Ministries. We are thrilled that you have decided to join us. It is our prayer for you to experience God’s Access to Eternity the moment you enter The Gate. At the Gate Ministries we believe every individual has a role in building the kingdom of God. As Pastor and Lady Elect we have dedicated our lives to share the gospel with all people. Our commitment is to develop and assist ambassadors of the kingdom of God to fulfill their purpose on earth. We encourage you to come and worship with The Gate family, where your ministry will be valued and respected. As always… Enter to Worship and Exit to Serve.
~ Pastor Kelvin A. and Lady Elect Renata S. Clyburn
Our Mission
The Gate is dedicated to equipping all men, women and children with the knowledge to obtain God’s Access To Eternity by: Teaching sound practical doctrine, Promoting true worship and Committing to serve the world through outreach.
Our Vision
We are committed to serving all people with love by dedicating ourselves to teach the Holy written word of God to our local community and international partners across the globe.

Pastor Kelvin Clyburn?
Kelvin Clyburn was a well known athlete in the Charlotte area. However, his skills on the basketball court were transferred to building the Kingdom of God, May 14, 2002 when he accepted Jesus as his personal Savior.
The Call
At very young age he felt the call of God on his life. Like most young adults, he thought the world had more to offer him. His life appeared to be on the right track and basketball was going to take him places he would dream about as a little boy.
God Blessed Pastor Kelvin to have a successful college career as a student and athlete at NC A&T State University. He received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History. As Pastor of The Gate Ministries, he continued to pursue his gifts in ministry and attended Lee University, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Ministries.
In 2012 Kelvin accepted his call into the ministry. He served as an Associate Minister at Mount Pilgrim Holy Baptist Church of God. In 2014, God gave Kelvin and Renata a vision to plant a church. They launched the ministry as a Bible study and in 2015 The Gate Ministries was birthed.
In addition to the launching the church, Kelvin partnered with his wife to launch R. C Smith Christian Academy. The Academy allowed them to continue to pursue their first passion “teaching” the youth. Additionally, having their own learning institution allows them to spread the Gospel to youth around the world.
Kelvin is committed to serving his wife and three daughters. He is a man of integrity, love and compassion. As a Pastor he meets the needs of the congregation through prayer and the Word of God. The Gate Ministries is happy to call him, “Pastor”.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen
– St. Matt 28:19-20